Christmas Bird Count

Brown Creeper

Overcast with strong, gusty winds. Temperatures into the 50s. Today was Christmas Bird Count. I had four routes, with three of them connected. Two of those were on the smaller side. Overall At just over 8 miles of easy walking, I would say the effort was maybe below average for me, but I would need … Read more

Observing Nature Between Errands

Mt. Edgecumbe

Overcast and warm. Temperatures up into the low 50s at times. Windy later in the day. It was the first day I didn’t have a lot going on in nearly two weeks. As such, I focused on taking care of some things that I had been putting off. Among them was delivering two prints that … Read more

Long Day of Observing

Afternoon Clouds

Overcast and windy. Temperatures in the 40s. The rain mostly held off. It was a long day for me. I was out at Sawmill Cove for observing at 8am. It didn’t take the long to get the first piling driven, and then they needed to splice on another section, so we had an extended break. … Read more

More Microclimate Observations

Moon over Verstovia

Clear skies. Calm to light winds. Temperatures into the 30s. Today I realized the extra frostiness I noticed yesterday from Indian River on was in part due to those areas being more shaded. Driving out this morning, I saw frost on the ground out to Jamestown Bay. There was still very little from the top … Read more

Sunrise and Sunset at Sawmill Cove

Pink Skies over Silver Bay

Mostly cloudy to mostly clear. Clouds tended to be a thin, high overcast (at least that I could see). Temperatures in the 30s and light winds. I spent the day at Sawmill Cove other than a quick trip back home for lunch. I expected to be out until later this evening, but once again an … Read more