Late December Walk to Swan Lake


Mostly cloudy to fully overcast. Rain, at times. Light to moderate winds (at least where I was). After a long day yesterday (following a short night of sleep the night before), I slept in this morning. When I got up, I could see the sun was peeking through the clouds at times, but it looked … Read more

Family Walk up Blue Lake Road

Walking Blue Lake Road

Overcast with temperatures in the low 40s. Very windy and rainy early, diminishing rain (and probably wind) as the morning progressed. My brother wanted to check out the marble outcrop. He leaves Saturday, and tomorrow’s weather is calling for more rain than today. So this morning was the time. Connor and my dad also joined … Read more

Christmas Visit to the Estuary

Moss Sporophytes

Overcast with occasional light rain. Windy, especially early. Temperatures in the lower 40s. With Christmas activities taking up much of the day, I didn’t spend much time outside today. I drove out to Starrigavan and walked through a small section of the upper part of the estuary. I was curious if I would see the … Read more

Briefly Birding

Trumpeter Swan

Cloudy and rainy. Light to moderate winds. Temperature in the low 40s. Today’s outside time consisted of a drive out to Silver Bay, then stops by Swan Lake and the Channel. With calmer conditions compared to my last look at Silver Bay (on Sunday), I was able to see there were birds out there. They … Read more

Eliason Harbor Walk

Verstovia View

Overcast with not much rain during the day. Temperatures in the low 40s. Moderate winds, but much calmer than previous days. I went out late this morning. After a brief check at the channel, I went to Eliason Harbor and walked out to the far float. I had vague hopes of seeing the Yellow-billed Loon, … Read more

Windy Day Birding

Mt. Edgecumbe

Overcast and continuing strong winds. Temperatures in the upper 40s to low 50s. Some rain over town (with more intense rain offshore, based on radar imagery). Yesterday’s high of 55F was a new record for the date. The previous record was 51F set in 1960. I got out during the latter half of the morning … Read more