Equinox Outing

Partly cloudy this morning, becoming overcast. Light to moderate winds. Temperatures into the 40s.

The weather for spring equinox was pleasant. In fact, I was surprised how sunny it was this morning. The timing worked out for me, since I did my regular walk and talk with my parents.

View from Verstovia Trail
Looking out over Sitka, Alaska from the first viewpoint on Verstovia Trail

I took a moderate pace up the trail and made it to the viewpoint in just over 25 minutes.

Hooded Mergansers
The merganser on the right looks like a young bird (hatched last year) beginning to transition into male plumage. Observed on Swan Lake in Sitka, Alaska

I stopped by Swan Lake before heading home. The pair of Hooded Mergansers is still there. I also saw two others. One was presumably the female (or young bird) I saw previously. The other appeared to be a male transitioning to adult plumage (which I believe would suggest it hatched last summer).

Much of the rest of the day was spent working on the draft of the report I am aiming to have done tomorrow.

My iNaturalist Observations for Today

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