Snow showers early, with mixed rain and snow later. Light to moderate winds. Temperatures from near freezing to the upper 30s.
What snow stuck this morning had mostly melted off by the afternoon.
Despite the snow, I went for a walk up Verstovia during my call this morning.
A thin layer of snow covered the ground along most of the trail. Fortunately it didn’t make things too slippery.
I intentionally took a more moderate pace than my last trip. I made it to the first view point in about 25 minutes. After resting there, I felt like continuing on.
I probably covered 2/3 of the trail between the first and second viewpoint before deciding I had gone far enough. A snow shower had started, and even if I had pushed on to the second viewpoint, I would not likely have seen much.
This afternoon I walked around Estuary Life and Forest and Muskeg trails with Kitty.
Not much remained along either part of the trail. Apparently enough had been on the forest and muskeg trail earlier in the day that good-sized snowballs could be rolled. It’s spring break for the local schools, so I’m guessing some enterprising youth (perhaps with the help from their elders) erected a snowman beside the trail.
This evening I recorded a conversation with Zach LaPerriere. As often happens, we spent much of the time talking about trees and wood. I plant to use the conversation for next Sunday’s show. (It will be two days shy of the 13th anniversary of my first show.)
The internet was back to full strength today. Handy that the repair took much less time than they said it might. I did a little catching up on publishing photojournals from the past few days.
My iNaturalist Observations for Today