Sitka Sunrise, Seattle Sunset

Partly cloudy with light winds and temperatures in the upper 40s this morning in Sitka. Partly cloudy in Seattle this evening.

Today was a travel day, but since our flight wasn’t until a bit after 11am, I had some time before heading to the airport.

Pink Clouds
Pink clouds at sunrise in Sitka, Alaska

For the third day in a row, pink clouds brought in the sunrise. This morning, I stepped out and grabbed a photo with my phone. Then got dressed and ready to head out.

I was planning to meet Jason B. for a morning visit again.

Crescent Bay Sunrise Panorama

By the time I was out, the pink had faded. However, the sunset was still developing, just without so much red in it.

Sunrise Clouds over St. Michael's and Verstovia
The rising sun lights up clouds behind St. Michael’s Cathedral and over Mount Verstovia observed from downtown Sitka, Alaska

I made a couple of quick stops to get some photos before heading to the Wild Flour.

I was able to ask some questions about the preliminary results Jason had shared with me Monday. I was curious about the interpretation of the Baranof Lake core (and what it says about glaciation of the island), but also some of the plants that were showing up in the DNA.

Singing Song Sparrow

As I left, a Song Sparrow was full on singing. It took me a bit to locate it due to the song bouncing off buildings, but I managed a few photos.

Approaching Seattle

The flight south was full, but generally uneventful. We saw rain in Ketchikan but fair conditions in Seattle.

Seattle Sunset

This evening we did a little shopping, some eating, and some visiting. Tomorrow we’ll spend a good chunk of the day at comic-con.

My iNaturalist Observations for Today

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