Mostly clear early, becoming overcast later in the afternoon. Temperatures into the lower 50s. Light winds.
I woke up before 7am again this morning and saw pink clouds again. Despite feeling quite tired, I got up and stepped outside to take a look. Pink clouds were all around. I’m sure there were some very nice views somewhere. I just didn’t have the get up and go to hurry to get out (especially knowing the color doesn’t often last very long). I went back to sleep for another our.
I had a call this morning which I needed to be at my computer for.
I did not make it out until later in the afternoon, by which time the clouds had started to become fairly continuous.
Perhaps due to the efforts I made yesterda, I did not feel very ambitious today. I stopped at multiple spots to check for birds on the water, but none were close enough for decent observations.

Had it not been for my desire to maintain an observation streak, it would have been easy to go back home. Instead, I stopped at the grid on Katlian Street, to look for lichens. The treated lumber there apparently does a good job of keeping lichens from becoming established. I did photograph a lichen and a moss on the shingles of a little shed.

I also stopped at the base of the bridge and made observations of mosses and a lichen growing on the concrete blocks that make up a retaining wall.
My leg muscles didn’t feel sore today, even going up and down the stairs. The only soreness I noticed was a little bit in my knees. I also noticed my ankles, but that was more external soreness. I was wearing minimal shoes and no socks yesterday, so they ended up scraped repeatedly by the crusty snow when I punched through.
Tomorrow Rowan and I fly south for a short trip to Seattle. I haven’t packed yet, so will need to do that and make some observations between meeting up with Jason B. again at 7am and heading to the airport around 9:30am. Since we’re coming back on Friday, packing shouldn’t take long.
My iNaturalist Observations for Today