Quick Trip Around Mosquito Cove Loop

Overcast with periods of rain. Temperatures in the 40s. Light to moderate winds.

I made it out for a walk around Mosquito Cove trail before frisbee this afternoon.

The tide was up while I was out. I noticed folks were surfing at Sandy Beach. The wind seemed light or maybe moderate (but I think surfers prefer little or no wind locally – they want the waves to be generated elsewhere).

When I last walked the loop a month ago, I had to move quickly to avoid getting stuck behind the gate (which closed at 4pm). Today, sign indicated a 5pm closure (though it was light beyond that.

Even so, it was a relatively fast trip around the loop so I would have time to make it back to Moller field by 4:30.

<em>Metzgeria pubescens</em>
Metzgeria pubescens observed growing on a yellow cedar along Mosquito Cove trail in Sitka, Alaska

I did stop occasionally for observations of liverworts, but otherwise kept moving.

Probably mostly Scapania mixed with Bazzania growing on a wet cliff along Mosquito Cove trail in Sitka, Alaska

One other vehicle was parked at the trailhead when I arrived, but I did not cross paths with anyone on the trail (and the vehicle was gone when I returned).

View of Starrigavan Bay
View of Starrigavan Bay opened up by windthrow along Mosquito Cove trail in Sitka, Alaska

Walking along sections of the trail, I had the thought that gravity and its faithful assistant water (with occasional help from wind) are constantly working to bring down that which humans (and volcanics/tectonics) have worked to set up. Even so, though it could use some gravel in a few places, the trail is in reasonable condition. I was able to walk it without getting wet feet.

We had 5 total show up for frisbee. I had plenty of opportunity to throw, but we didn’t play. The lights were on, but we didn’t really need them. Starting next week we won’t have the field until 6pm, so will be in the semi-dark to dark again.

I spent a good chunk of the day working on a data project. I did some work some years ago on a project that is now getting written up. It’s a little bit of a pain to pull up such an old project into working memory again. Fortunately I wrote the code I had used previously in a way that has made it easy to start using again. I don’t have to start from scratch to get the data into a form I can use it.

My iNaturalist Observations for Today

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