Verstovia Trail on Last Day of February

Heavy clouds and occasional light rain. Temperatures in the 40s and moderate winds.

Snow level was down to about 2500 feet.

View from Verstovia Trail
Overcast day view from the 800 foot viewpoint on Verstovia Trail in Sitka, Alaska

I went up to the first viewpoint on Verstovia while on a call this morning. Given the wet day with limited visibility, I chose to travel light. With a fairly relaxed pace I made it in just under 23 minutes. Two minutes slower than my best times so far this year, but considering I didn’t really push very hard, a sign of improved conditioning.

Moss (<em>Tetraphis</em>)
Moss (Tetraphis sp) growing along Verstovia Trail in Sitka, Alaska

I made some observations of lichens and a moss while I was by the viewpoint. I continue to notice things I had not previously realized were there. It could be interesting to try a more systematic approach to documenting what is there. Basically dividing the area into smaller sections, then getting photos (and collections as needed) of every different looking moss, liverwort, lichen, or plant that I can find. As always (especially with lichens), a big challenge would be getting names on things. Even without official names, I could give attention to each organism and come up with a personal name which helps me recognize it.

Before heading home, I stopped a couple of places to look.

View from North End of the Channel

At the north end of the channel the wind was sufficient for occasional white caps. I did not see many birds, and none that particularly caught my attention.

No ice remained on Swan Lake.

My iNaturalist Observations for Today

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