Verstovia Trail Bryophytes

Overcast with periods of light rain.

I decided to go up Verstovia while on my call this morning. My legs felt a little heavy heading up the trail. Perhaps it was the Thursday and Friday Verstovia walks plus running around for frisbee on Saturday. Whatever the reason, it didn’t seem to be too much of an issue, but I did notice.

The call ended up stopping early. I had made it maybe 2/3 of the way up to the viewpoint by that point. Given how my legs had felt, and the fact that I had something going on this afternoon, I decided to head back down.

<em>Nardia scalaris</em>
Nardia scalaris growing on a rock along Verstovia Trail in Sitka, Alaska

I took my time on the return, and stopped to make observations of some mosses and liverworts.

When in covering ground mode, it’s to just move right on by. Of course that’s part of the reason I do the walking and talk thing. It actually helps me to keep moving. Otherwise I’m prone to stopping to look. Not a bad thing in itself, but also not as helpful for building and maintaining fitness.

<em>Scapania bolanderi</em>
Scapania bolanderi growing along Verstovia Trail in Sitka, Alaska

I don’t think of any of the species I picked up are unusual and/or new for me, but I’ll need to take a look in the microscope.

Banded Junco
Color banded junco banded as part of the bird branding project run in Sitka, Alaska from 2012-2019

Connor noticed a banded junco in the yard after I had returned home. I grabbed documentary photos sufficient to show its color combination is Left-Aluminum over Yellow and Right-Black over Orange. I think it was probably banded in 2019. I had previously photographed it in 2023

This afternoon there was a gathering the organizers called the “Oth” State of the Sound symposium. The idea was to gather folks together to share what sort of research/work they were doing, as well as data and resources they might have available. I appreciated gathing in the spirit of encouraging collaboration and mutual interest in the natural world of the Sitka area. The second part of the gathering was focused on bringing forward ideas for what an annual State of the Sound symposium might look like. Many of the ideas shared sounded good to me, so I’ll look forward to what comes of it.

Clinic Closed
Neighborhood whimsy – I’m not sure if this was left over from Halloween, with Lucy giving out candy. If so, I only noticed it today (though perhaps the gate was not closed on previous walk-bys).

My iNaturalist Observations for Today

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