Breezy Mid-February Day

Mostly sunny through much of the day. Breezy out of the east, with temperatures in the 30s.

I was debating whether to go up a hill or work on photos during my call this morning. As long as I’m not doing any real verbal work (basically keywording and captions), I can generally attend to a call while keeping my eyes and hands busy with the photos. I have plenty of photos to work on, so it was tempting. However, I would also like to improve my conditioning, so consistency there is helpful.

View of Mt. Edgecumbe
View of Mt. Edgecumbe from the 800 foot elevation viewpoint along Verstovia Trail in Sitka, Alaska

The unexpectedly sunny weather was what pushed me to head out.

Today I carried my pack and did not wear microspikes on the way up the hill. It took me just over 27 minutes. Slower than my last trip with microspikes on and no backpack, but it seemed like a good effort.

I didn’t have too much trouble without microspikes, but it was definitely slower walking, as I needed to take more care in choosing my foot placement. I was happy to wear the microspikes on the way down. I didn’t use the insoles, and was a little surprised to find they didn’t end up squeezing my foot. I guess I wore them for much longer last year when I went up Bear Mountain. It makes me think I could bring the insoles, but only where them if/when the shoes start to collapse more.

I looked outside early this afternoon and noticed the juncos I had seen at the feeder only minutes before had all disappeared.

I’ve been hoping to see the shrike (which three different people have seen chasing birds near feeders in my general neighborhood), so I took a more careful look than I might have otherwise.

Sharp-shinned Hawk with a Pigeon
When I first observed the hawk, it was standing on the pigeon with wings and tail outstretched.

No shrike, but I did see a Sharp-shinned Hawk mantling over a pigeon.

I spent the better part of two hours observing the hawk and pigeon (and have done a more thorough write up of that separately).

Beetle Gallery Bark
While waiting for a mystery diving bird to surface, I noticed this piece of bark riddled with beetle galleries

I met up with Kitty and drove out the road. We did a checklist for the Great Backyard Bird count at the kelp patch pullout. While there, a dark alcid showed up. I never got a great look, but I’m reasonably confident that it was a Rhinoceros Auklet. The other option would be a Tufted Puffin, but the shape didn’t seem right, and I think the bill was not thick enough.

My iNaturalist Observations for Today

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