Tracking the Sun

Clear skies. Frosty 20s over night, into the mid-30s during the day. Calm winds.

Clamshell Hat
Someone decided the carved bear could use a clamshell for a hat in Sitka National Historical Park in Sitka, Alaska

I had been thinking I would walk at least part way up Blue Lake road this afternoon. Before I got around to leaving, I saw a message from Kitty asking if I wanted to walk around the park.

Mt. Edgecumbe View
View of Mt. Edgecumbe from Totem Park in Sitka, Alaska

The tide was up (but starting to fall).

Tundra Swan
Tundra Swan with bent neck, perhaps from an old injury? Swimming along the west shore of Totem Park in Sitka, Alaska

A lone swan was on the water not far from the west shore of the park. Looking at my photos, I noticed it seems to have an odd bend in its neck. I suspect it’s the one I saw flying over Swan Lake on the first of the month. [Update: I had been paying attention to the bent neck, but it was not until the next day I finally realized it is a Tundra Swan – though looking closely at this photo, I can see the yellow at the base of its bill, I just didn’t notice it on this day.]

Helmet Crab Molt
Molted shell of a Helmet Crab (Telmessus cheiragonus) at Totem Park in Sitka, Alaska

I’m not sure if helmet crabs have a molting season, but there were two shells near each other at the high tide line near.

After walking around the park, I headed out to Blue Lake Road. I changed my mind about walking up when I saw the heavy machine cutting the brush along the road. They may have let me walk by, but I decided to head elsewhere.

Driving back in, I was surprised at how much the tide had dropped in what seemed like it hadn’t been very long. It is still running more than a foot below predicted.

I think both yesterday and today may have been cloudless, by I forgot to specifically check. In any case, the horizon was clear, so I planned to stay out for sunset.

It’s now setting around 5pm so I made sure to get to the bridge around 15 minutes before.

Composite of Two Sunsets
Composite of two consecutive sunsets. With Vitskari Island to align them, it’s possible to see how much the sun moved along the horizon from one sunset to the next

The sun was noticeably closer to Vitskari today. Comparing photos, it appears the location shift was approximately 1.33 times the width of the sun. A quick internet search suggests the sun is ~0.5 degrees, so my rough measurements would suggest it moved 0.67 degrees from yesterday to today. Looking at a table of sunset locations, it shows the sun moving a bit less than a degree each day. I count 5 degrees in 8 days in the prior week or so, which works out to be 0.63, so not too far off.

Disappearing Sun
On previous days I’ve wondered if I had missed green flash at this stage due to over exposure. Based on this shot, I think mostly not. There is green at the edge, but the central part remains yellow

I tried full manual exposure to see if there was a green flash I had been missing. It’s hard to shift exposure fast enough to keep up with those last few seconds of sun visibility. I did manage some shots, and based on what I saw today at least, I probably didn’t miss green flash. It’s was bright sun with some green edging.

Blue Flash
When I catch blue, it’s most often been quite small like this one. I don’t remember seeing the spots of yellow either side before.

Today I caught the sequence to blue like yesterday, but today had a bit more violet at the end.

I wasn’t seeing the moon as I walked down the bridge, but I suspect it would be showing soon.

Curious where it would be coming up, I drove across the bridge, and as I did, I saw it showing over the flanks of Verstovia.

Moon over Mountains

I went out to the ramp SEARHC made in support of the new hospital and took a few pictures there. Once again would have been better with something other than a telephoto lens. I would do well to at least have my camera bag in the car, even if I don’t carry it with me.

Moon Rising Behind Ridge

Back at home (closer to the mountains), the moon was just cresting a ridge on Verstovia. I was wishing there was a tree or two on the ridgeline for a nice silhouette. I could see krummholz, but nothing larger. Maybe someday I’ll catch a view with the moon cresting a ridge that has an isolated tree or two.

My iNaturalist Observations for Today

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