Mostly sunny with temperatures in the 30s. Light to moderate winds, depending on location.
I had agreed to go for a bird walk with a high school class this morning. I met them in front of their school along Lincoln Street mid-morning.
While waiting for the class to come out, several ravens landed on the utility lines in front of the school. Two interacted with each from the upper and lower line. I initially saw them touching beaks. It looked like they could be passing something between them, but I did not see anything. A short time later, I saw the lower one grab at the toes of the upper one. That move seemed to provoke an unhappy response.
On the way down I had seen and heard a fair amount of bird activity along Biorka Street, so we started by walking up through the neighborhood.
There was not quite as much going on, but plenty of juncos at a feeder on Biorka Street. We also spent a few minutes with an Anna’s Hummingbird on Etolin Street.
From there we walked to Jeff Davis street, then across the campus to the Seawalk by the Science Center. We stopped to watch and chat at the boardwalk overlook just before the park.

While there, we saw a gull diving into the water and come with a clam. The clam shell was open, and it went ahead and ate on it. Given the shallow slope of the beach, the water was likely not very deep where the gull was not far off shore. It was still odd that a clam would be on the surface of the ground and open like that, however.
As is often the case with teenagers, it’s not always easy to tell how interested and engaged they are. Even so, it was a pleasant day for a walk, and a nice opportunity to invite folks to get to know the creatures around them a little more.
This afternoon I recorded a conversation for an upcoming radio show.
By the time I was done at the station, here was not too long until sunset.
Enough clouds were over the horizon, that I didn’t expect there to be a green flash opportunity.

I went out to Sea Mart for groceries and a look from there. I realized there was a chance for some nice pink clouds despite the cloud bank. I have also seen a green flash over a could bank before. I headed back to the bridge.
I watched the sun disappear behind the clouds. No hint of a green flash that I noticed.

The alpenglow on the mountains seemed especially nice, however.
A grouping of jellyfish clouds caught my attention to the northwest. They were nicely pink, but my view wasn’t the best from the bridge. I took a chance and went back out to Sea Mart for a better look.

The light on them had faded a bit, but the view was much improved.
The clouds I thought might turned bright pink as the sunset did take on some color, but it was more like frosted pink rather than full on color. Still, a nice view as the day transitioned to dark.
My iNaturalist Observations for Today