Clear early, becoming partly cloudy. Calm winds. Frosty overnight with temperatures up to around 40F by the afternoon.
Light frost again last night. I had windows to scrape when I headed out later in the morning.
I was a few minutes up Indian River trail on my way to take care of ibuttons when I saw a text from Jen about an owl.
Apparently a screech owl was spending the day downtown by the Lutheran Church.
I wanted to see an owl more than I wanted to tend ibuttons, so I turned around.
The owl was sitting on a beam above the main doors to the church. It was not at all hidden, though tucked back under the eaves, perhaps there was not too much risk from a raven or eagle finding it. Nor was it likely to be seen by crows or other song birds that might start mobbing it.
I later saw it made the front page of the paper. I suspect the newspaper photographer had been going by when Lucy (another local birder) was looking at it.
Rowan had wanted me to go with her to the bank then to get lunch, so I passed some time by walking around Totem Park.
I heard then saw a lone Long-tailed Duck not too far off shore.
I counted 18 swans in the estuary. Most were sleeping, and I didn’t see if one of them had a crooked neck.
On our way downtown, Rowan and I saw a robin fly into a holly bush on Etolin Street. It’s the first robin I’ve seen this year.
Clouds moved over from the west so I didn’t go out for sunset. Later Rowan mentioned the pink clouds. I grabbed a photo from the house, and wondered if maybe I should have gone out.
I did make a little progress with some organizing/cleaning. Still plenty to go, but each little bit helps.
My iNaturalist Observations for Today