Clear and warmer. Less windy, but still gusty winds at Silver Bay and out of Katlian Bay. Freezing overnight with temperatures into the low 40s today.
Although it was not as cold overnight, the humidity must have come up a bit. I saw some frost on the car windows when I looked out first thing.

The frost was long gone by the time I went out this afternoon.
I revisited the Harbor Point beach again.

I hadn’t obliterated the mystery (maybe cat) tracks by walking on them. They were another day older, and there wasn’t much I could see detail-wise, but at least I was able to show the overall pattern.

I made a few observations while I was there. These included lichens, fungi, and shells from the beach.
Perhaps due to the warmer temperatures, there was even less distortion over the water today. Vitskari Island seemed reasonably clear.

I only realized later that I don’t think there were any clouds in the sky this afternoon. That’s very rare for around here, usually even on very clear days there is at least a cloud or two that shows up somewhere. Based on satellite imagery, it appears the nearest clouds were basically 200 miles offshore. As best I could tell they were completely beyond the horizon.
No omega sun, and no gap between the sunlight and apparent horizon. I hadn’t really paid specific attention to it, but I’m pretty sure most days I’ve been able to see the sun dropping below the horizon, there is an apparent gap. There certainly was the past two days.

Today the last light of the sun definitely shifted color. I neglected to underexpose enough to catch the green.
With less sun showing, the exposure wasn’t as off and I was able to save the blue.

There was even a more magenta bit at the very end, something I don’t recall seeing before.
If conditions hold tomorrow, I’m hoping to try again and maybe do better with the exposure. However, the forecast is calling for more clouds, so maybe I won’t have an opportunity to see the last bits of the sun.
My iNaturalist Observations for Today