Wet Brambling Stakeout


Windy, wet, and dim. Temperatures in the 40s. As I got ready for bed last night, I noticed the wind had picked up and heavy rain was falling. Winds today were variable, sometimes with heavy gusts. The rain wasn’t so steady, either. Cliff T. had shared a Brambing photo on the Sitka Birds email list … Read more

Sealing Cove and Swan Lake

Swan Lake

Overcast, light winds. Temperatures in the 40s, minimal rain (at least where I was out and about). I spent much of the day continuing to work on the new gallery set up for my website. I’m increasingly optimistic that it will better suit my needs. I think it will be result in less friction to … Read more

Bay Side Beach at Starrigavan

Starrigavan Highwater Island

Heavy overcast with occasional rain. Light to moderate winds with temperatures in the 40s. My regular calls have started back up this week, and I spent the later part of the morning on one. After lunch I drove out to Starrigavan. The tide was out, and birds weren’t especially close. I parked at the Mosquito … Read more

Wind and Rain

Channel View

Overcast, warm and windy, with rain developing this afternoon. Today was another short day for outside time. I didn’t notice the wind much this morning when I was inside. It may have been blowing, but either way, it had certainly picked up by early this afternoon. I noticed sculpted looking asperitas clouds, though they had … Read more

Birds at the Channel and Swan Lake

Wood Duck

Overcast. Temperatures into the 40s. Calm to light winds (at least while I was out). Outside time was limited for me today. It included a drive with stops at the Channel and Swan Lake. The snow has mostly melted around town. I wouldn’t be surprised if some remains out the road, though. The channel had … Read more

Starrigavan Revisited

Starrigavan Estuary

Overcast. Light to moderate winds. Temperatures in the 30s. I went back out to Starrigavan today, again hoping to observe the Swamp Sparrow. Today I noticed a clear boundary line of frost in the trees which I took to represent the extent of where direct sun reached into the valley. I heard a call as … Read more