Cloudy with light winds and temperatures in the 40s.
On a midday drive out to Silver Bay, I saw good numbers of birds on the bay off the larger pull out. None were especially close, and I didn’t try to photograph them. I did not see any species that I hadn’t been seeing around there recently while observing.
On a walk around Japonski Island with Kitty this afternoon, I made some observations of mosses, lichens, and lichenicolous fungi on a mountain ash tree.
I more or less recognized four of them, and am less sure about the others.
This evening I did some microscopy on collection I made last week.
I spent the most time with a mystery something that I suspect is an alga of some sort.
I also took a closer look at a lichen. It may be a Xylographa, and if so, I would have done better had I took a look at the key for it before doing the microscope work. The book I looked in had a nice guideline for what to do in order. Among the suggestions was to look with polarized light. I’ve not yet tried that, so may pull it back out soon to experiment with it.
My iNaturalist Observations for Today