Mostly cloudy to overcast. Some rain in the afternoon.
I was at Sawmill Cove before 8am.
I decided to watch from near the mouth of Sawmill Creek to start the day.
The sunrise did create some color in the sky, which I enjoyed watching change over the 30 minutes or so before the sun was high enough for it to just be daylight.
I’ve often seen mergansers snorkeling as they swim along the surface of the water. I think I’ve seen them suddenly speed up before, but I don’t remember any specific instances. Today one did that and caught a fish. I’m guessing it had spotted the fish in the water column, then made a play for it. In my experience, fish in the water are quick. The mergansers was quicker.
Delays this morning ended up pushing off the pile driving until after lunch.
I made a quick run home, then settled in at the dock for the afternoon observing.
They ran into trouble driving the piling, which caused more delays as they made some decisions about how to proceed. They finally managed to get the first section in. Not quite where it was supposed to be, but the engineers ultimately decided it was close enough.
Rain moved in as 4pm approached, hastening the diming of the light.
Tomorrow should be my last day of observing work on this project.
My iNaturalist Observations for Today