More Sawmill Cove Monitoring

Pelagic Cormorant

Partly cloudy early. Clouds building in the afternoon, with rain and wind developing as darkness fell. Heavy rain and gusty wind this evening. Temperatures in the 30s early and the 40s later. Today I was back to work. Due to start observing at 8am, it was an early start relative to my recent schedule. I … Read more

Sitka Nature Show #332 – Kitty LaBounty

Ring-necked Ducks

Featuring a conversation with Kitty LaBounty. We spoke about Christmas Bird Count experiences in Sitka and Arizona and the Continental MycoBlitz, including potentially new-to-science species from Southeast Alaska. Other topics included the Alaska Native Plant Society, Kitty’s on-going work to put together a flora of Southeast Alaska, and how we learn to recognize plants and other residents we share this place with.