Low clouds and occasional rain. Light winds. Temperatures in the 40s.
Though clouds seemed lower today, the light felt brighter. I don’t mean it was bright day, but yesterday was so dim.
After finishing up my radio show for tomorrow shortly after noon, I stopped at the channel.
For some reason the scaups were right along the shoreline down from the ramp. Several Common Mergansers were there as well. I could hear the Long-tailed Ducks calling from the middle of the channel as I took a few pictures of the closer birds.
I was surprised to see a Pelagic Cormorant surface in the middle of the scaups and mergansers. Perhaps they were too, as they seemed to give it space. I don’t imagine the water was very deep there. After a few moments the cormorant dove again.

Before heading home, I stopped by Swan Lake. In addition to checking the birds, I wanted to have another look at the pier. I had noticed many bits of mussel shell on a previous visit. When talking with Kitty this morning, she mentioned one of her neighbors had told her about mussel shells and droppings on the dock at Galankin Island. Apparently her neighbor had noticed the mostly immature gulls eating the mussels. I wonder if they were pulling them off the pilings, picking them up from where they were scraped off, or actually grabbing them from the shoreline where they grow.

Recent rains seem to have washed them away, as there was not nearly so much present today. I wonder if there is enough input from the gulls to impact the growth of aquatic plants right around the floating pier.
This evening we had ultimate. A heavy shower moved through shortly before I needed to get ready. I was glad to see it was short-lived. I did see a star or two when I first arrived at the field. The gap in the clouds didn’t seem to last any longer than the shower.
We had excellent conditions under the lights. Reasonably pleasant temperatures, with no rain and minimal wind. With 6 people there, we were able to play 3 on 3. It’s good to run around.
Tomorrow I go back to observing. I’m guessing there are no more than 4-5 days remaining for observers.
My iNaturalist Observations for Today