Bay Side Beach at Starrigavan

Fairy Puke (<em>Icmadophila ericetorum</em>)
Icmadophila ericetorum has several common names, though the most evocative (and memorable) is fairy puke.

Heavy overcast with occasional rain. Light to moderate winds with temperatures in the 40s.

My regular calls have started back up this week, and I spent the later part of the morning on one.

After lunch I drove out to Starrigavan. The tide was out, and birds weren’t especially close. I parked at the Mosquito Cove trailhead and walked out on the beach. I made my observations on the small high water island there, but didn’t spend too long at it.

I spent a good chunk of my day working on a new gallery plugin that I can use to connect Lightroom and my site. Initial impressions are making me think it may be worth migrating everything over to it. However, I need to do more testing.

My iNaturalist Observations for Today

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