Overcast. Temperatures into the 40s. Calm to light winds (at least while I was out).
Outside time was limited for me today. It included a drive with stops at the Channel and Swan Lake.
The snow has mostly melted around town. I wouldn’t be surprised if some remains out the road, though.
The channel had its usual mix of waterfowl. I did not see the Yellow-billed Loon.
Swan Lake remains more or less completely frozen. A thin layer of water on the surface of the ice gave it a mirror-like appearance.
Half a dozen Trumpeter Swans the pair of Wood Ducks, and two wigeons had joined the Mallards on the peninsula.
When I arrived, there were two Ring-necked Ducks on the small opening at the inflow. I tried to mostly ignore them as I sauntered out on the peninsula (trailed by the swans and ducks). I thought they might accept my presence and then I might try getting pictures. They were not having it, and took off.
The dock is littered with gull droppings and cough pellet remains. I don’t remember ever seeing gulls eating mussels. Based on the number of shells, they must be a common food item of late.
At home I made a little progress getting stuff organized. I have three boxes of larval collections from 2023 which I never got around to looking at last year. I’m sure if anything emerged it’s long dead, but I’ll go through the containers, and if I find anything I’ll see about documenting with photographs and see about getting it prepared to send off to the museum or for further study.
My iNaturalist Observations for Today