Overcast, becoming mostly clear by this afternoon. Temperatures in the upper 30s. Light winds around town.
Snow fell overnight, but total accumulation was less than a inch.
Today’s outside time consisted of a drive out each road. My observations were mostly of birds in the channel, but I did walk a short bit of the estuary life trail.
I hoped to see or hear the Swamp Sparrow, but it didn’t reveal itself to me today.
I’m routinely impressed by the frost build up at Starrigavan estuary. Yesterday (before it had snowed) there was enough frost on the road to make for swirling snow-like patterns on the road.
Today some snow had fallen, but didn’t obscure the crystals that may have been approaching an inch in length. Continuous availability of moisture from the creek and the coming and going of the tide plus lack of any direct sun make a difference.
My iNaturalist Observations for Today