Channel Birds and Getting Rest

Mostly to partly cloudy, with the heaviest clouds remaining off shore. Light winds. Temperatures in the upper 30s to low 40s.

It’s been a full week, with lots of talking and not enough sleep. I’m not sure if I am fighting illness, or simply run down. Either way, today served as a bit of a recovery day.

My brother’s flight out was this morning, so we all went to the airport to see him off.

I had planned to do my observations for the day afterward, but instead took my parents for a drive out to Silver Bay.

I needed to get a transcript of the conversation I will use for tomorrow’s radioshow, so I decided to go home after the drive and then head out again after lunch.

I was getting ready to leave when I saw a text from Connor that the Yellow-billed Loon was in the channel.

Yellow-billed Loon
Yellow-billed Loon in the channel, Sitka, Alaska

I didn’t see it at first. After a few minutes I spotted it off from the Mt. Edgecumbe High School gymnasium.

After taking pictures of the loon and some channel waterfowl, I went to the station to take care of my show.

Fortunately, there was a relatively easy cut (I had let the conversation go for a bit too long yesterday), which meant I didn’t have to spend much time on the editing.

Once home again I napped.

This evening I culled photos (primarily focus stack collections that had already been processed) and was able to clear up a fair bit of hard drive space. This should allow me to get more work done on collections in the coming days.

My iNaturalist Observations for Today

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