Sunrise and Sunset at Sawmill Cove

Mostly cloudy to mostly clear. Clouds tended to be a thin, high overcast (at least that I could see). Temperatures in the 30s and light winds.

I spent the day at Sawmill Cove other than a quick trip back home for lunch. I expected to be out until later this evening, but once again an equipment failure meant they stopped early.

Panoramic view of Silver Bay
Panoramic view of sunrise at Silver Bay from Sawmill Cove in Sitka, Alaska

Some nice color graced the skies as I was settling in for observing.

Pacific Loon
Pacific Loon at Sawmill Cove in Sitka, Alaska

Bird activity was lower than I’ve seen most days. I didn’t notice any murres today, and only a few loons. Both species of cormorants and the flock of Common Mergansers are the what I most consistently see.

A Great Blue Heron likes to perch on an old utility pole along the finger of fill that separates Sawmill Creek from Sawmill Cove. It does not like me walking underneath it. Every time I’ve done so, it’s called loudly as it flies off.

Sunset at Silver Bay
Pink clouds over Silver Bay at sunset in Sitka, Alaska

Due to equipment issues of various sorts, there was more downtime than usual today. Plus when they were pile driving, it was mostly work on two smaller pilings (which was quieter). I suspect in part because it was quieter, a sea lion visited the cove more often today than I’ve seen other days.

My iNaturalist Observations for Today

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