Rainbow Over Sawmill Cove

Mostly cloudy through the day. After sunset, clouds began to break up. Calm wind with occasional light rain. Temperatures in the 30s during the day. Snow level had dropped to around 1500 feet overnight.

Panoramic view of Silver Bay
Panoramic view of Silver Bay from Sawmill Cove in Sitka, Alaska

Observing started at 8am. After they took care of a first section of piling, we had an extended break while they welded on the next section.

Today I watched for the crows to arrive on the dock, but they did not. I did see some on land, and others flying from a couple of different directions.

Marbled Murrelet
Marbled Murrelet at Sawmill Cove in Sitka, Alaska

I didn’t observe any mammals during observation time today.

Rain fell often enough that it discouraged me from keeping my camera out.

Rainbow over the marine haul out work at Sawmill Cove in Sitka, Alaska

During this afternoon’s watch, the sun came out and made a very bright rainbow over the work.

I spent much of the evening working on prints for this weekend’s market. Mercifully it doesn’t start until 10am, so I don’t need to be in too much of a rush to get stuff loaded and set up.

My iNaturalist Observations for Today

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