Overcast with light rain mixing with snow later in the day. Precipitation turned to snow later this evening. Temperatures in the 30s.
Last night when I was outside, the just-past-full moon shown high in the sky. I could see the temperature must had dropped before the precipitation ended. Snow-covered trees reflected the moonlight along the whole of Gavan Ridge. By the time I was out (around 10:30pm), frost had started to form on my car.
When I went out late this morning, the air had warmed enough for the frost to melt.
I went out to Starrigavan for the high tide again. On the way I made a stop at Swan Lake. The pair of Wood Ducks was in with a group of Mallards on the peninsula.

I arrived at Starrigavan just as the tide was cresting. It was noticeably lower than yesterday. Today’s tide was predicted to be slightly lower. However, nearly half of the actual difference was due to atmospheric effects.
The family of swans followed me, swimming behind as I walked up the path along Nelson Logging Road. When I stopped and told them I didn’t have any food, they turned and went their own way.
I walked the estuary loop today.
I got brief and partial looks at a Red-winged Blackbird foraging in the estuary meadow. It mostly stayed down low in the grasses where I couldn’t easily see it. Blackbirds have wintered in Starrigavan estuary before, so perhaps this one will stick around as well.
Walking along the road, I saw 7 swans flying near the mouth of Katlian Bay. They flew up and eventually over me. Heading south towards town. At first I thought three had joined the family of four (which had flown out of the estuary earlier). However, after they flew over, I spotted the 4 over along the shoreline not far from the start of Mosquito Cove trail.
A flock of maybe 50 Pine Siskins flew by. They’re the first I’ve seen in months.
There have been nice low tides in the evenings the past few days, but I’ve not been ambitious enough to get out for them.
I noticed today that I was feeling more motivated and/or energetic than I have for at least few weeks. I think my energy levels may have started picking up yesterday or the day before. Perhaps I’ve finally cleared something out that my body had been fighting since mid October.
My iNaturalist Observations for Today