Partly cloudy with sun early, becoming overcast late in the day. Light winds, temepratures in the 40s.
This time of year it is easy for the daylight hours to get away from me, especially on days when I get off to a slow start (like today).
With the sunset happening shortly after 4pm and relatively heavy cloud cover, I had an hour or two of reasonable light for observing.
I drove out to Sawmill Cove, but didn’t drive down on the dock. I didn’t see much out on the bay, but didn’t stay long to watch.
The channel had a few gulls and ducks, but I also didn’t stick around there for long.
The wigeons at Swan Lake were less wary of me today. They didn’t scoot off into the water when I crossed the street. Maybe I was holding a mellower vibe.
I decided to check along the narrow area between the Nelson Logging Road foot path and the creek when I was out there. I first noticed two different shades of taildropper slugs, though I suspect they’re the same species.
I also picked up two different mushrooms. One is a Mycena, the other I think might be Hypholoma fasciculare. I may try sending them in for the fall MycoBlitz.
Part of the reason I drove to Starrigavan was to check for swans. So far they seem not to have shown up. I can’t remember for sure, but it’s seeming like their arrival is starting to get to be on the late side. It’s been cool this fall, but plenty of cloud cover has kept things from freezing up. If that’s also true further north, I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re just waiting for colder conditions. Perhaps the clearing skies and colder nights forecast for the beginning of next week will bring them in.
My iNaturalist Observations for Today