Showers, very heavy at times. Breezy, though less so than yesterday. Temperatures in the 40s.
I was on a call this morning when I noticed it absolutely pouring outside. The precipitation included rain and graupel/sleet/hail. I’m not sure which exactly, but definitely some form of frozen water.
I didn’t get out until this afternoon.
I sat in my car on the dock at Sawmill Cove watching the bay. Two Marbled Murrelets popped up naer the dock, and I saw some gulls and ducks further out and/or over by the river mouth. Overall, it was mostly quiet.
In the far distance I spotted a whale. Initially I twice noticed its tail as it was diving deep, but finally caught it surfacing between dives and managed photos.
I checked the gulls on North Pacific Seafood in the fading light. One of them was very dark mantled. I think a Western Gull, but I’m not sure whether it was the same as I saw several times earlier this fall. This one looked darker to me, but it may have just been the context.
My iNaturalist Observations for Today