Watching for Water Birds

Heavy clouds, rain and wind. Temperatures warming to around 50F.

Gray Day in Silver Bay
Low, flat overcast obscures mountain peaks around Silver Bay in Sitka, Alaska

I went out for a drive this afternoon. Once again, Silver Bay was calmer than Crescent Bay. That’s been a pattern this fall. Perhaps it’s normal (I suspect it is), but I don’t remember noticing it so consistently before.

I didn’t see many birds on Silver Bay, though there were a few on Sawmill Cove.

Double-crested Cormorant
Double-crested Cormorant near Sea Mart parking lot in Sitka, Alaska

I also checked the channel (plenty of gulls, though mostly further down the channel) and Sea Mart. At the latter I saw a couple of loons and at least one Double-crested Cormorant. Overall, conditions weren’t great for observing.

At Swan Lake many Mallards were on the peninsula. As usual, they were resting while a handful of wigeons actively ate grass. I don’t think the wigeons eat the food people bring by like the Mallards do. The wigeons do seem to like the grass, however.

<em>Odontoschisma denudatum</em>
Shade-grown Odontoschisma denudatum. Found growing among Pleurozia purpurea under shrubby yellow cedar in bog on Kruzof Island near Sitka, Alaska

I worked on a liverwort collection my recent trip to Kruzof. I found this one growing amongst <em>Pleurozia purprea</em>.

My iNaturalist Observations for Today

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