Overcast and breezy. Temperatures in the 40s. Rain starting in earnest late this evening, heavy at times.
I was feeling a little off today, and had several things to try and get done before my dad’s arrival this evening.
I did check Swan Lake and Castle Hill briefly before getting my radio show put together.

I hadn’t seen coots at the lake on my last couple of stops, but today I saw two.
I didn’t spend long at Castle Hill, but did spot a Ruby-crowned Kinglet foraging in the leaves that remain.
This afternoon three of us threw a disc at Moller. The wind was gusty, but fortunately the rain held off.
I’m planning to be on the WhaleFest boat cruise tomorrow morning. I hope the weather isn’t too bad. It’s supposed to switch over to showers early in the morning, with some wind. I guess we’ll see. It sounded like today’s cruise went well.
My iNaturalist Observations for Today