Comet Chasing

Partly cloudy, becoming mostly clear in the afternoon. Temperatures into the 40s, but cooling quickly as the sun went down. Calm winds.

Visiting scientist Gavin was interested in getting out on a walk with me to see where I had ibuttons placed on Gavan Hill. A graduate student of his was also in town and joined as well.

Exposed Rootlets
I think these are rootlets exposed when the tree turned. The cottony white may be ectomycorrhizal fungi

Not far up the trail I looked at the underside of a tipped tree. I’m not quite sure what I saw, but I think it might have been mycorhizal fungus?

Walking up the hill demonstarted for me that I’m not in very good condition.

View of the Sisters
View of the Sisters from the Cross Trail in Sitka, Alaska

After taking care of the ibuttons, we went back down and opted to take the cross trail over to looped around to Indian River.

By the time we were done, it was getting towards sunset. I picked up my car and drove over bridge. There were too many clouds to tell for sure, but I think it may be green flash watching season again.

Rowan was interested in looking for the comet so we went out the road.

Night Falling
Stars have just started to show as darkness is descending over the waters off of Sitka, Alaska

Our first attempt was at the Kelp Patch turnaround, but we didn’t have much luck there. It wasn’t especially dark yet, so that was likely a contributing factor.

Comet and Mt. Edgecumbe
The comet is faint in the sky as the light fades behind Mt. Edgecumbe. Photographed at Sandy Beach in Sitka, Alaska

Next we moved to Sandy Beach. I found it through binoculars and later saw I had managed to catch it with camera.

A street light at the parking lot was casting light that wasn’t working for me, so we moved again.

Comet and Mt. Edgecumbe
Comet and Mt. Edgecumbe observed from Pioneer Park in Sitka, Alaska

At Pioneer Park, I took more pictures as the sky went to black.

I spent the remainder of the evening working on my radio show.

If skies to the west are clear, might try for comet pictures from Harbor Mountain tomorrow.

My iNaturalist Observations for Today

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