Alaska Day along the Estuary Life Trail

Overcast with showers. Temperatures in the 40s. Snow level down to under 3000ft.

I was conflicted about whether to watch the Alaska day parade or go out the road for high tide. Today’s 12.4ft tide (highest of the current series) was around 10 minutes after the start of the parade, so I couldn’t really do both.

I left my house still uncertain. I considered watching the parade, then checking out the tide after it started to fall.

Once I was driving, I just kept driving (spurred in part by lack of easy parking near the start of the parade route).

Raised Boardwalk and Flooded Forest

I spent some time on the estuary life trail boardwalk.

I saw a Red-winged Blackbird in the estuary grasses. Sparrows and a Ruby-crowned Kinglet responded to pishing.

Only a few ducks were present (as far as I could tell).

River Otter at Starrigavan Estuary

I noticed an otter swimming towards spur where I was heading. It looked like it had a fish.

Partial View of River Otter
I could hear this River Otter crunching on a salmon, but was not able to get an unobstructed look from the Estuary Life Trail.

I was able to get quite close, then it moved off. I didn’t manage to get a picture of it eating due to it being behind a tree from my perspective.

River Otter at Starrigavan Estuary

I recorded conversation for an upcoming radio show later in the afternoon.

My iNaturalist Observations for Today

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