Birding with Whitekeys

Mostly cloudy to overcast with rain later in the day. Moderate winds and temperatures near 50F.

Termination Dust
Snow levels dropped only far enough for a little dusting on the 3300 ft Arrowhead Peak of Verstovia in Sitka, Alaska

Snow level was down to under 3300 feet.

I got out earlier than I expected this morning, when I got a ride request.

A patch of blue sky was drifting to the north (more accurately, a hole in the clouds), but a little sun shone through as I was out.

Short-billed Gull
Short-billed Gull at the Channel in Sitka, Alaska

I stopped by the channel and saw plenty of gulls, though none appeared unusual to me.

Western Gull
Western Gull on rocks off the Crescent Seawalk in Sitka, Alaska

Early this afternoon I walked down to Sage Beach where I met up with Whitekeys. He was in town to give a talk this evening. He found the Western Gull (a new state bird for him) on Sage Rock. It continues to be reliably found there during high tides.

American Coots
American Coots at Swan Lake in Sitka, Alaska

On a stop by Swan Lake we spotted the pair of Wood Ducks well up the lake. Also a fourth coot had joined the other three.

Yellow Warbler
Yellow Warbler at Castle Hill in Sitka, Alaska

Our last birding stop was Castle Hill.

Cedar Waxwing with Crabapple
Immature Cedar Waxwing eating a Pacific crabapple at Castle Hill in Sitka, Alaska

I was surprised to see 7 Cedar Waxwings. Also a Yellow Warbler in the maples. Perhaps the same one I saw there last week.

Bear Mountain
Morning view of Bear Mountain
Bear Mountain
Afternoon view of Bear Mountain

Reviewing photos, I noticed the level at which snow was present on Bear Mountain had noticeably risen. Not surprising in hindsight, but I hadn’t noticed it at the time.

I learned the permit for the haulout project will likely be another 3-4 weeks before it’s approved. There are some down sides to the delay, but for me personally, it should mean I have a better chance of seeing any unusual birds that show up during this last half of October. It’s a time that often has at least one or two rarities show up.

My iNaturalist Observations for Today

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