Hoofed Yard Visitors

Overcast with rain in the latter half the day. Moderate winds and temperatures in the 50s.

Yesterday’s rain total for the airport ended up at 2.28″, well below the 3.32″ record set in 1982.

In hindsight I would have been better off heading out this morning, but I didn’t get around leaving the house until after lunch.

Green-winged Teal
Green-winged Teal at Swan Lake in Sitka, Alaska

I stopped by the lake and took some pictures of the birds there. I didn’t see the Northern Pintails that have been around lately, but otherwise it was a similar mix as on previous days.

Diving Kittiwake
Although it looks as though the Common Loon may be frantically attempting to escape the dive bombing kittiwake, I suspect that’s a coincidence of timing. The loon was just surfacing and would have looked that way even if the kittiway was not heading down

Off Halibut Point Road between Sea Mart and the Kelp Patch Pullout, I wonder if there might have been some small fish near the surface. There wasn’t a big gathering of birds, but I did see loons that didn’t seem to be diving deep, and Black-legged Kittiwakes repeatedly plunging into the water. They seemed to attract some attention from other gulls, but not many.

Two Deer
I came home to find two deer browsing the vegetation in my yard

I returned home and startled two deer in my yard as I walked up to the door. It was raining, and I kind of had my head down headed for the door, so I didn’t notice them. Despite being startled by my approach, they didn’t seem too concerned. After I started paying them more attention, one went over and crossed Park Street, though I didn’t see where it went from there.

Deer Portrait

The other continued around in my yard before finally moving off behind the house, after repeated encouragement to leave. Neither of them seemed very big, so I think maybe they were yearlings.

My iNaturalist Observations for Today

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