Seawalk Observations

Rain showers, mostly cloudy with only very brief patches of sun between showers. Temperatures in the lower 50s.

Between calls and family conversations, I didn’t get out much today.

Surfbirds on Sage Rock along the Crescent Seawalk in Sitka, Alaska

I did stop by Sage Rock and looked over the shorebirds that were resting on it at high tide.

Glaucous-winged Gull and Western Gull on rocks near the Crescent Seawalk in Sitka, Alaska

Once again, the Western Gull was there. It has seemed very inclined to stick around this location for the past month or so.

Mountaintop Snow
Snow has begun to descend on the mountain tops

Snow level was not quite as low as yesterday, though it appeared more had accumulated at higher elevations.

My iNaturalist Observations for Today

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