October Rainbow

Thick clouds bearing heavy showers with a few breaks. Not as windy as yesterday. Temperatures in the upper 40s.

Termination Dust on Cross Mountain
Termination dust on Cross Mountain in Sitka, Alaska

When I was out this afternoon the clouds (finally) lifted enough for to reveal snow level had dropped to around 3500 feet. I don’t imagine it will stay there, but it’s the lowest I’ve seen so far this fall.

For much of the time I was out, the rain was coming down hard. Towards the end, there was a break which allowed some sun to shine through.

Verstovia Rainbow
Rainbow in front of Mount Verstovia in Sitka, Alaska

I was at the channel by that time and got to see a very bright rainbow over town.

American Coots
American Coots on Swan Lake

I didn’t noticed anything too exciting otherwise. Connor had mentioned seeing three coots on the lake Saturday. I hadn’t seen all of them until today.

Fall Color Fireweed
Fireweed showing fall colors along the workfloat access in Sitka, Alaska

The fireweed seems to be more colorful this year than I remember it being in the past. I’ve seen individual plants turning red, but this year I’m noticing entire patches turn yellow and then red.

This evening was the first Alaska Native Plant Society meeting of the fall. They traditionally have photo sharing at this meeting. I participated last year, and again this year. I was working to decide what to share almost to the last minute, and didn’t really think of putting multiple pictures into single slides, as some others did. I shared pictures of three rare-ish species I was excited to find this year, and then some that were more aesthetically compelling to me. They were all mosses and liverworts except for Hymenophyllum wrightii, a fern (which looks like a liverwort).

My iNaturalist Observations for Today

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