Fall Walks and a Drive

Wave Clouds

Mostly sunny early, becoming overcast by early afternoon. I went for a walk to Swan Lake and Castle Hill this morning. The gulls seem to be favoring Swan Lake and the senior housing near the lake more in the past couple of weeks. I wonder if this is due to the salmon basically being gone … Read more

Rare Fall Visitor

Tennessee Warbler

Mostly cloudy early, becoming mostly sunny, then partly cloudy into the afternoon. Temperatures in the low 50s. Breezy. I worked on collections this morning. In particular, spent more time with one I think is a Gymnomitrion. It’s quite small, and doesn’t look like any others I’ve seen. I keyed it out to G. brevissimum, but … Read more

Not so Windy Day

Crescent Bay

Cloudy with occasional light rain and wind slow to develop, but becoming breezy late in the day. Temperatures in the upper 40s. This morning while I was on a call, I noticed a flock of finches land in the top of a tree across the road. I couldn’t see them very well through the window, … Read more

Looking for Birds in the Neighborhood

Sunset Clouds over the Pyramids

Clear skies, light winds, temperatures to near 50F. I was a little surprised to see such clear skies this morning. The forecast had called for sunny weather tomorrow, but I guess it came a day early. Another morning surprise was a moth on the porch wall. It’s the first I’ve seen for at least two … Read more

More Birding with Visiting Birders

Mostly cloudy with extended showers and more brief periods of sun between. Breezy and temperatures near 50. I much of the day birding with Fairbanks folks. They were already at the park when I arrived (they said they saw Black Scoters). We saw several Common Goldeneye, and a possible Yellow-billed Loon (later review of photos … Read more