Return to Sage Beach

Heavy, low overcast with periods of rain. Moderate winds and temperatures in the mid 50s.

I went out for a drive late this afternoon before going to the radio station to get my show ready for tomorrow.

Fireweed Showing Fall Colors
Fireeweed showing fall colors along the Crescent Seawalk in Sitka, Alaska

Though the clouds were too low to see Mt. Edgecumbe, ocean conditions seemed calmer, so I made another visit to Sage Beach. I hadn’t thought about it until after high tide.

Today the tide was a few inches below where it would need to be to match the original photo. However, since rain wasn’t falling and the waves were down more, I spent more time trying to line up the foreground rocks and the church.

Gray Currant (<em>Ribes bracteosum</em>)
Gray Currant (Ribes bracteosum) berries on the beach along Crescent Seawalk in Sitka, Alaska

I had to push back into the stink currant a bit, but I think I got fairly close.

Western Gull
Western Gull on a rock near the Crescent Seawalk in Sitka, Alaska

The Western Gull was there on a rock again. It seems to like to hang out in this area lately.

My iNaturalist Observations for Today

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