Harbor Mountain and Starrigavan Ridge

Sunny and warm, temperatures into the mid 60s.

There was a fire last night that Connor went to help out with. He was up late so did not go hunting early this morning, as he had thought he might.

Slope Meadow on Harbor Mountain
Slope meadow view along Harbor-Gavan Trail in Sitka, Alaska

I had arranged to go to Harbor Mountain with Kitty this morning. We walked to meadow.

Broad-petalled Gentian (<em>Gentiana platypetala</em>)
Broad-petalled Gentian (Gentiana platypetala) along Harbor-Gavan Trail in Sitka, Alaska

The flowers are mostly done, but a few are still going.

I noticed a few song bird migrants, but not many.

This afternoon I did Starrigavan Ridge. Connor had been going to go with me, but something came up, so I went by myself.

I didn’t get started until after 2pm. I was walking and talking (with my parents – as they were driving). I felt like I was making decent time without feeling bad. I had not necessarily intended to go all the way up. On a previous trip I had noticed what looked like it might be a wet rocky/cliffy area in the forest which I wanted to revisit. I didn’t happen to spot it today, so I continued up to the top.

<em>Hydnellum suaveolens</em>
Hydnellum suaveolens on the route of Starrigavan Ridge, Sitka, Alaska

Perhaps around halfway up, I smelled Hydnellum suaveolens and was able to find it. It was out in the open, unlike a previous time when I had to work to find it where it was tucked away under a tree.

I slowed down from the clearing below the ridge line, since I was still talking and cell signal goes away after cresting the ridge and going down towards the lake. I might have been able to make it in an hour and forty five (or perhaps faster), but instead got to the ridge in 2 hours.

Least Sandpiper Reflected
Least Sandpiper reflected in shallow water on a ridge near Sitka, Alaska

I hoped to find a Solitary Sandpiper. I did see shorebirds at the lower lake. There were as many as 8 Least Sandpipers and a couple (probably Greater) yellowlegs.

Alpine Pond
Alpine pond under partly cloudy skies near Sitka, Alaska

I had been undecided about making my way to the upper lake, but the shorebirds convinced me to check there as well. I didn’t find any shorebirds there, however.

It was very quiet along the ridge. I stopped at one point just to listen to the quiet. A minute or two later, Savannah Sparrows and American Pipits showed up and started calling.

I made one last check of lower lake on my way down. Saw the 8 Least Sandpipers then, but the yellowlegs weren’t where I noticed them.

<em>Gymnocolea inflata</em>
Gymnocolea inflata observed on Starrigavan Ridge in Sitka, Alaska

When I was stopping along ridge to look at liverworts, I noticed occasional mosquitoes. Later in the evening I noticed they did manage to bite me.

I made some collections, but it was a lighter day than some recent ones. I didn’t have too much time to spend poking around, and didn’t visit the more protected habitats that might have encouraged me to look a little more thoroughly.

I took 45 minutes to get back to my car from the start of trees.

Starrigavan Ridge has been getting more popular over the years, but I wasn’t really expecting to find three other cars already parked on a weekday afternoon (even though it was a sunny day), including one with Florida plates. Along Nelson Logging road in Sitka, Alaska

The route is showing a lot of wear in the couple of months since I was last on it. It seems like lots of people have been going up this year. It’s hard for me to say whether it’s more than in past years, but I kind suspect it might be.

My iNaturalist Observations for Today

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