Winter Weather and Birds

Starting this morning and continuing throughout the day. Breezy. Temperatures in the low 30s.

Contrary to my understanding of the forescast, the snow hadn’t started when I first woke up and it was light out. By the time I actually got up, snow was falling and beginning to accumulate.

One of the three boxes I was expecting arrived just as my morning call was starting. It turned out to the the compound microscope. I should receive the stereo microscope tomorrow, along with the universal DSLR adapter.

I spent some time early in the afternoon working out what all the parts were and how to assemble the microscope correctly. The manual was helpful to a point, but not fully comprehensive. I did eventually get everything worked out.

With the microscope to work on and snow falling, I wasn’t feeling too ambitious about getting out. Still, I have my streaks to maintain, so I did venture out.

Fortunately, the snow had not yet accumulated enough to make the roads sketchy while I was out (at least where I drove).

I stopped along Lake Street in case woodpeckers might be in the alders. I didn’t see any of them, but a Steller’s Jay did pop up.

There was enough snow falling out Halibut Point Road, that I didn’t not stop anywhere. I did check briefly at the channel and Sealing Cove.

When I arrived at Totem Park, it wasn’t snowing. I walked out to check the estuary. I didn’t see Gadwall or wigeons (of either species).

I tried getting my camera hooked up to the computer after I returned. I ran into some trouble there. Googling the issue, I learned I wasn’t the only one. At least one person had success with a different cable, so I dug around and was able to find one that seemed promising. Fortunately, it worked.

As it turned out, I was able to use my camera with an adapter I had purchased some years ago. I couldn’t get the image in the camera in focus at the same time it was focused through the eye pieces. Hopefully with the microscope manufacturer’s adapter, that will work (it’s supposed to).

I did focus stacks with the DSLR through the trinocular and the TG-6 through the eyepiece as I’ve been doing. I wanted to compare quality. Both worked fine, and the DSLR image quality was higher.

My iNaturalist Observations for Today

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