Mostly Cloudy with periods of rain mixing with snow. Light to moderate winds. Temperatures in the 30s.
The sun was out a bit this morning, but I didn’t have enough ambition to get up and about before the clouds thickened up. As it turned out, even if I had, I would have been limited because I had calls and had forgotten to charge my earbud case.
I did make it out for a bit this afternoon. I checked some bird sites without seeing too much. In part that’s because didn’t I spend long at it – I happened to time it so rain or snow was falling, and visibility wasn’t great.
During a time when the rain/snow let up, I checked the estuary at Totem Park. No Eurasian Wigeons today, but there were four Trumpeter Swans. One of them walked right up to me while I was checking out mosses and liverworts on a long stranded log high in the estuary. It soon decided I didn’t have anything (food) of interest, and moved off a bit.

This evening I looked into Claopodium identification, and saw that it shouldn’t be too tough. I checked two recent collections and found they were both C. crispifolium (which seems to be the most common species in this area).
Connor had the first day of an avalanche class he signed up for. After some classroom time, they went up Harbor Mountain. He said the road was pretty much snow free until the second gate (just a bit that had fallen today). Above that, snow depth increased significantly. They went up as high as the 5th (I think – the one before the last one) switch back. There he thought the snow was probably 3-4 deep in places. Given the forecast for snow even at sea level over the next week, snow amounts on the road could change a bunch.
My iNaturalist Observations for Today