Overcast with a small break in the clouds late this afternoon. Temperatures in the 40s. Occasional drizzle.
I spent the morning on a call and then doing inventory of the notecards I had printed last year. Apparently they sold well at the Raptor Center last summer. I thought it best to know how many I had left of each. I purchased over 900 last year, and still have over 700 remaining. We’ll see how many the Raptor Center wants this year (they bought 100 from me last year, and said those sold quickly), but I expect it will be another year or two before I sell out (unless I work a lot harder at getting them in stores).
After lunch I check some bird spots, but didn’t see much. There do seem to be plenty of Marbled Murrelets around, though. I saw them at the north end of the channel and off the kelp patch pullout.

Not long before sunset I made it out to re-ride the mountain bike trails. While I enjoyed riding them the first time, part of my motivation was to get better GPS tracks. Since I had a bit more familiarity, it wasn’t as hard to make sure I stayed on the same trail each time (unlike the first ride through).
I could feel my legs a bit. They may still be recovering from last week’s Green Lake Road and yesterday’s Blue Lake Road rides.
I posted several moss and liverwort observations from yesterday on Blue Lake road. I spent the evening reviewing IDs I had for some of them, and then working to update some of the natural history wiki pages. In the time since I last looked, the Flora of North America has released more treatments. I added links to the FNA treatments for species in Brachytheciaceae. That also involved some work figuring out what the current names were for some of the species.
My iNaturalist Observations for Today