Mostly cloudy, with some clearing to the north and east. Light winds and temperatures in the 30s.
This morning I started working on the Sitka Trails site again. Last November I had done some initial work getting things set up and figuring out how to use the map plugin, but hadn’t looked at it since. Today was mostly about reorienting myself to what I had done, and beginning to figure out how to best organize and prioritize what I need to do.
This afternoon I met up with Kitty and went for a short walk around the SEARHC campus trails. Several trees that fell over in the big wind storm of early last week had already been cleared off the trail.
A couple of White-winged Crossbills and a Red Crossbill were finding cones among the fallen branches.
Two boats were at the Sawmill Cove dock, with vehicles actively helping with loading, so I didn’t go down to watch.
Three Wood Ducks were at the Swan Lake peninsula. It’s been awhile since I last saw them.
I spent a little time watchin the water from Sandy Beach and the Kelp Patch pullout. I was hoping to spot a Pigeon Guillemot, but didn’t.
Further input from more experienced birders led me to call yesterday’s pale redpoll a Hoary Redpoll. Even though it’s a new species for me, I’m not especially excited about it, as I suspect it will be lumped in with Common Redpoll before long.
My iNaturalist Observations for Today