Overcast with some rain. Temperatures in the 30s and calm winds.
The low tide at 4pm (still in daylight) was looking like it would end up be -0.5ft or so (predicted -0.12). I thought I would stay home and get some work done before heading out for the tide.
Not long after lunch, I got a message from Karen J that a goshawk was perched on the raptor tree at the upper end of Swan Lake. I’ve been checking that tree regularly (and before I noticed the low tide, though I might walk over to look at it this afternoon). So far this year I’ve only seen eagles and a couple of ravens. (I last saw a goshawk there on the 31st of last year
This motivated me to get out earlier than I had originally planned.
The goshawk was still there when I arrived. I took a few pictures to document, and then continued on my way.
I saw the crane as well. It’s been much viewable (by me, at least) lately, but seems to be doing fine.
At the kelp patch pullout DJ whitebrows showed up briefly. I also saw a White-throated Sparrow. It’s been some weeks since the last time I saw one there.
I did head down to Totem Park for low tide. Although it did get down to -0.75ft, it wasn’t as low on the beach as I imagined it would be. However, I was able to access most of the section I had intended to poke around in.
A white-lined nudibranch was nice to see.
Two of the large lemon dorids in the current of a draining tidepool were unexpected. I’m not sure whether they were the same species or not (I’m not great with them). If they are different species, one may be a new one for me.
Crocus were up in front of North Pacific Hall on the SJ campus. If we get any sun (without going well below freezing), I imagine they’ll open up.
I don’t expect they will be there tomorrow, but I may go take a look (and bring a container and a light to try for better photos).