Warm (for January) Sunny Day

Clear and warm for the time of year. Temperatures into the low 40s. When I looked outside this morning, I could see frost covering the ground. Temperatures overnight were likely significantly cooler at my house than the official low of 33. With a call this morning, I didn’t get out until after lunch. I drove … Read more

Winter Sunset with Green-Blue Flash

Clear and calm. Temperatures into the low 40s. The official low overnight stayed above freezing. However, when I stepped outside this morning, I found frost on my car. It had nice feathery patterns, and I took a little time to take pictures of some. My first stop was the industrial park and Sawmill Cove. I … Read more

Snow Bunting Success

Mostly cloudy, becoming rainy in the afternoon. Gusty winds and temperatures near 50. I went out to the industrial park this morning. This time it did not take as long to spot the Snow Bunting. I was able to get a couple of distant photos as it foraged along the side of the road. Before … Read more

Quest for a White Song Bird

Overcast with rain. Temperatures around 40. Light winds. Calls this morning meant I didn’t get out until later. After checking many of the usual places closer to town, I went out to the industrial park. I had recently posted on Facebook about some of the unusual birds that have been around so far this year. … Read more

Birds on a Gray January Day

Overcast with light to moderate winds. Temperatures in the 40s. I didn’t spend much time outside today. Just made a round of checking for birds this afternoon. As the light was fading, I moved a car which meant a walk around Japonski Island. Before heading out, I paused to watch the junco flock feeding in … Read more

Raven’s Eye

Overcast with occasional light rain. Temperatures in the low 40s. Snow dropped a bit further on the mountains. Picnic Rock had fresh snow on it. Hoping to pick up at least a couple of new birds for the year, I decided to walk down to the park. Robins had eluded me so far, and at … Read more