Sitka Nature Show #280 – Lauren Bell

Download Radio Show The January 15th show featured a conversation with Lauren Bell. Lauren has spent the past several years studying kelp ecology in Sitka Sound as part of her PhD program at UCSC. We spoke about what she’s learned, including cycles of growth in kelp forests, the impacts of grazers, and potential effects of … Read more

Afternoon Light at the Channel

Overcast with occasional rain. Light winds. I didn’t do much outside today. It was a quick check of a couple feeding stations. I’ve run out of food, so haven’t been able to replenish lately. Probably as a result, there’s been less activity on my recent visits. I made a brief stop at Sandy Beach. The … Read more

Morning Along Halibut Point Road

Partly cloudy into early afternoon, becoming overcast. Calm winds, temperatures in the low 40s. Mostly clear skies this morning motivated me to get out. I took advantage of mobile technology to participate on scheduled calls while out and about. Out at the kelp patch pullout, I noticed a couple gull flocks that appeared to be … Read more

Lichens on a Downed Hemlock

Mostly cloudy becoming overcast with occasional light rain. Calm winds. This afternoon I drove out to Silver Bay. Sawmill Cove was quiet during the few minutes I spent watching there. A few small groups of Common Murres were out on Silver Bay and into Eastern Channel. At couple were well transitioned into summer plumage. I … Read more

Changing Weather

Mostly clear early, becoming overcast by afternoon. During the transition to overcast, some dramatic clouds showed up to the south. Light rain began midafternoon, with heavier rain this evening. Outside time was limited for me today. I checked Lance Drive and Indian River road in case I might see a Steller’s Jay or Northern Flicker. … Read more