Some of Our Smaller Neighbors

Overcast and calm. Temperatures in the lower 40s with occasional rain, mostly later in the day. Early this afternoon white cheeks the junco was in the yard. I was able to get some photos. I imagine white cheeks is a regular visitor, but I’m not always watching the yard. I spent some time this afternoon … Read more

Gray and Wet

Overcast with rain. Calm winds with temperatures in the 30s. Snow level down to near 1200 feet. With a return to rainy weather, I found it easier to stay at at home for more of the day. It’s just as well, since I had some bureaucratic stuff to deal with (some stuff mixed up) that … Read more

Harbor Point Whale

Mostly sunny through the morning, becoming overcast by later in the afternoon. Calm winds, temperatures in the 30s. Kitty is nearing 1000 species for Sitka in iNaturalist, so we went out today to see about getting some species she didn’t have. Although the Sandhill Crane was reported by someone within the past couple of days, … Read more

Sitka Nature Show #281 – Brian Buma (encore)

Download Radio Show The January 29th show featured a conversation with Brian Buma. Originally recorded and aired in fall 2021, in this conversation we spoke about his work on cedar decline, landslides, and some of the challenges understanding ecological processes over broad distances and long time scales. Learn more about his work at His … Read more

Revisiting Old Friends

Clear, calm, and cool. Overnight lows officially were only down to around freezing, but it was certainly at least a colder at my house. Officially it got up to 45F today, though I think places without direct sun probably didn’t see that anything so high. I was reminded recently of a spruce I call the … Read more

Woods Wandering and Comet Chasing

Mostly cloudy this morning, becoming partly cloudy to mostly clear later in the day. Calm winds and temperatures into the 40s. I went out to Thimbleberry Lake this afternoon. I stepped off the trail not far before it starts going more significantly uphill beyond the lake. I was curious about the amount of fresh rock … Read more