Site icon Sitka Nature

Snowy Day; Winter Water Birds

Despite temperatures above freezing, precipitation remained snow through the day. When I was out this afternoon, no more than a couple of inches of wet snow had accumulated. Winds were calm.

For a second day I spent time watching birds at the channel.

The two Glaucous Gulls I saw yesterday were still around. It was interesting to find each near where I saw it previously.

I enjoyed watching an immature gull try to perch on a drifting log that kept rolling over. After a few moments it gave up and swam towards shore.

After seeing my first Red-throated Loons this year last week, I saw two more today. One in the channel, and the other at Sawmill Cove.

The dock at the industrial park was not in use, so I parked and watched the water.

The bay seemed quiet, so I did not expect much.

Over a half an hour or so, I ended up seeing three species of loon, a couple of murres, and a Marbled Murrelet not far off the dock.

Further out were some goldeneyes, mergansers, and gulls.

My iNaturalist Observations for Today

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