Site icon Sitka Nature

Mid-February Weather

Overcast with rain this morning gave way to more showery activity this afternoon. Sun breaks came between squalls that lasted for several minutes, some with with hail.

A couple of different folks reported Gray-crowned Rosy-Finches out beyond Whale Park again yesterday, so I decided to take a side trip out there before going to the radio station to get my show ready for tomorrow.

I made it out between the most intense part of squalls, but the conditions were still not great, and I did not opt to get out and walk along the trail (I didn’t really have a lot of time, so probably wouldn’t have even if the weather had been mellower).

I did not see any finches along the cliffs.

On the way back in, I drove into a squall with a fair amount of hail coming down. When I drove out of it, it was almost like someone turned off a faucet. It was coming down hard, then there was nothing (although I could see hail on the road from where it had passed over). Usually there seems of be more of a taper.

Back in town, I could see a squall out over the sound, but blue sky above. During the hour+ that I spent the radio station, things seemed to remain fairly stable over town, with the big cumulus clouds remaining off in the distance (in pretty much every direction).

My iNaturalist Observations for Today

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