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Migrants Return

A flock of Greater White-fronted Geese and one of Cackling Geese were feeding on the peninsula at Swan Lake today. They joined the regular Mallards and the lingering juvenile Trumpeter Swan.

Rowan and I made a quick trip up Gavan Hill trail to take care of the Gavan Hill ibuttons this afternoon (starting from Phearson Street trailhead). Along the way I quizzed Rowan on what birds she was hearing. She knew some of them better than I expected, but the Townsend’s Warblers we heard were not ones she recognized.

After yesterday’s mostly sunny weather, we had partial sun with an occasional sprinkle today.

I took a walk around the park at high tide this evening. There were few shorebirds, though it sounded like earlier there had been more, including report of a Pacific Golden-Plover.

My iNaturalist Observations for Today

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